Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Over Deliver

I read a book recently that really got me thinking (always a good thing). It taught the lesson of giving value to others beyond the level expected. The concept is "under promise and over deliver."

What a great place the world would be if everybody, in every transaction, placed chief concern on adding the most value to the other person. In a world where so many people seem bent on calculated benefit to themselves, only doing things that they perceive will bring value back to them, it is always refreshing to run across someone who operates differently. "What can I do to help you?" "How may I serve you?" These questions, when sincere, are like a breath of fresh air.

Who are the people in your life who have behaved in this manner? When were you truly touched by the selflessness of another? Who deserves special mention here on this blog for living this principle? I think more of us should be inspired to live this way, and those who are deserve a call-out here! Let's hear about it; give us their stories! And let's all of us remember to add value to others as a matter of habit, without calculating a return for ourselves!

By Chris Brady

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