Thursday, January 24, 2008

Definitions: What Is Leadership?

Leadership is the influence of others in a productive, vision-driven direction through the example, conviction and character of a leader. -- Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward

Leadership is the energetic process of getting people fully and willingly committed to a new and sustainable course of action, to meet commonly agreed objectives whilst having commonly held values. -- Mick Yates

Leadership is working with and through others to achieve objectives. -- Dr. Paul Hersey

Leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less. -- John Maxwell

My definition of a leader . . . is a man who can persuade people to do what they don't want to do, or do what they're too lazy to do, and like it. -- Harry S. Truman

Leadership is the ability of a superior to influence the behavior of a subordinate or group and persuade them to follow a particular course of action. -- Chester Bernard

Leadership is the art to of influencing and directing people in such a way that will win their obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in achieving common objectives. -- U. S. Air Force

The first job of a leader is to define a vision for the organization.... Leadership of the capacity to translate vision into reality. -- Warren Bennis

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. -- John Quincy Adams

A leader is a dealer in hope. -- Napoleon Bonaparte

A leader shapes and shares a vision which gives point to the work of others. -- Charles Handy

Leaders are those who consistently make effective contributions to social order, and who are expected and perceived to do so. -- Hosking

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